It has been hot and dry here the last few weeks.  Watering a few times a week in the morning will keep your lawn green and healthy.  The turf has been holding color and vigor up to this point without additional watering, but here this second week of July, we are noticing the heat and drought stress. Raising the height of your mower to keep the soil shaded will help reduce the amount of watering needed and weed pressure.

We are seeing crabgrass coming through along with an increase of clover this year.  The cool, dry Spring likely delayed the germination of the crabgrass this year.  Japanese beetles are up and about now.  Studies from Iowa State University suggest that trees will withstand the damage from them.  Should you decide a treatment is warranted, be sure not to treat anything with a flower that might have a negative impact on our pollinating insects.  As always, reach out if there is anything we can help with.